Toronto Sports Media Radio Ratings 101 In The Pressrow

Part two of the focus is on ratings this time on radio ratings specifically. The rating world was evolving pre-Covid and the decrease of audience due to audience behavior, i.e. staying at home vs. commuting has accelerated that change. What that means for ratings and ad sales is critically important to the industry.

Who are the winners, and losers and where is this all headed?  Tune in to learn more.

That and much more are discussed here.

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Born and raised in Toronto, Jonah Sigel is currently based in Seattle, WA. An avid sports fan, Jonah took to writing about the sports media world back in 2004 with two young kids at home, a new job and a return to Toronto. The interest grew and grew to include the former website, the twitter handle @yyzsportsmedia, the PressRow podcast and now the all new

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